GLOBE Protocols Vocabulary
Go to and choose Enter the Globe Site.
Go to Protocols on the left-hand side column.
1. Atmosphere/Climate
Click on the pdf document under Atmosphere/Climate.
While you read the text, look for the following words in English:
Can you now find three words that are spelt in the same way both in English and Spanish?
2. Soil
Click on the pdf document under Soil.
Try to figure out the meaning of these words from the context.
Explain your answer by giving evidence from the text:
What do the following scientists use GLOBE date for?
Complete the table with information from the text:
Soil scientists |
Hydrologists |
Climatologists |
Atmospheric scientists |
Biologists |
Anthropologists |
3. Hydrology
Go to the Hydrology section and open the Protocols document.
Read the text and decide which protocol demands that we use the following tools:
A hydrometre and thermometre |
A Secchi disk |
pH paper or a pH metre |
A dissolved oxygen test kit |
4. Land Cover / Biology
Click on the Protocols document under Land Cover / Biology. Which protocol uses the following?
Camera |
Multi Spec |
Tape measure |
A Landsat TM image |
Densiometre and clinometre |
The MUC System |
What is the meaning of these in Spanish?
5. Phenology
Read the text in the Protocols pdf document under Phenology. Find words that mean:
Find derived words for the following:
to arrive (Verb) - (Noun)
to reproduce (Verb) - (Adjective)
to migrate (Verb) - (Adjective)
a actividades Protocols Vocabulary
al inicio de programa de actividades de inglés